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Five Generations

by Ryn Wiebe, Development and Communications Associate Just before heading to Kolkata, India, for my first full-team training visit to a Children’s HeartLink partner hospital, I got one last email from my dad. He wished me safe travels and “a little bit of adventure” and ended with “You are the fifth generation of your family … Continued

Susan Bordson: Telling Children’s HeartLink’s Stories Through Film

by Faith Adams, Communications Director Filmmaker Susan Bordson has shared her time and talents with Children’s HeartLink for more than a decade. In a recent interview she talked about her experiences working with us, and her approach to telling stories through film. Why did you first decide to volunteer at Children’s HeartLink, and what keeps … Continued

Congratulations to Institut Jantung Negara, Our Newest Center of Excellence

by Faith Adams, Communications Director Published February 29, 2016 Our partner hospital Institut Jantung Negara (IJN), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, has achieved the status of Children’s HeartLink Center of Excellence, a major achievement and the ultimate goal for all of our partner hospitals. Our Centers of Excellence consistently deliver high-quality complex care to children with … Continued

From One Coast City to Another: Seattle Children’s Partners with Our New Site in Fortaleza, Brazil

by Faith Adams, Communications Director A pediatric cardiac team from the Heart Center at Seattle Children’s Hospital is in Fortaleza, Brazil, this week on a full-team training visit to our newest partner hospital. Children’s HeartLink and Hospital de Messejana have signed a Memorandum of Understanding launching this multi-year partnership, our second in Brazil. We also … Continued

Meet Jackie Boucher, Children’s HeartLink’s New President

We’re happy to share the news that we have a new president. Her name is Jackie Boucher, and she will join Children’s HeartLink on November 4. Jackie has spent her entire career in health care, and she has a passion for improving the lives of individuals, families and communities. “It is an incredible honor for … Continued

The Need is Great: Announcing Our New Partner Hospital in India

by Faith Adams, Communications Director 7,750 miles separate Minneapolis and Kolkata, India. And in many ways these two cities really are a world apart. But a new partnership aims to shorten that distance by reducing some of the disparities. A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed and a new Children’s HeartLink partnership launched between the … Continued

See Your Gift at Work in China

A trip to Chengdu, China will be auctioned off at the 2015 HeartLink Gala on September 19. This is a wonderful opportunity to see your Children’s HeartLink gift at work while also visiting the charming capital of Sichuan province in southwestern China. Chengdu has been named China’s most livable city and is home to world-famous … Continued

What is a Full-Team Training Visit Like? Children’s HeartLink in Kunming

by Faith Adams, Communications Director In December the pediatric cardiac team from the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital joined us for the first full-team training visit to our newest partner site, in Kunming, China. Three of these team members have children under the age of two, yet they dropped everything and flew halfway around the … Continued

More Recognition for Our Work in Quality Improvement

At Children’s HeartLink, we know that staff in our hospital partner sites and our medical volunteer teams work diligently to lower infection rates and improve survival in children after heart surgery. And we’ve recently had two important journals recognize our work in quality improvement. Just in time for International Infection Prevention Week (October 19-25), an … Continued