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Welcome to Our International Advisory Board, Dr. Liesl Zühlke and John C. Langenbrunner

 We’re delighted to welcome Dr. Liesl Zühlke and John C. (“Jack”) Langenbrunner to our International Advisory Board.  “We’re grateful to them for sharing their expertise in global health and their life-long advocacy for improving health care as we enter into new partnerships with more hospitals around the world and expand our reach to help more children with congenital heart disease,” says … Continued

Get to Know Jackie Boucher, Children’s HeartLink President

Jackie: Why am I at Children’s HeartLink? I believe all children should have access to health care    Jackie and her daughter en route to a vacation in Colorado   What does a typical day at work look like? Every day is different, but each day involves meetings and phone calls with key stakeholders in … Continued

Volunteer Stories: Story of Wang Haiyan

Our dedicated medical volunteer Jeff Paurus with Wang Haiyan, a nurse from China, that he trained 15 years ago   Our medical volunteers fly halfway around the world to help their peers from our partner hospitals treat children with heart disease. Meet our volunteer Jeff Paurus from Minnesota, a nurse educator, who has been training … Continued

Get to Know Kasia Grzywacz, Project Management Specialist

Kasia: I have been lucky to work with dedicated people Kasia and her family   What does a typical day at work look like?  The work I do for Children’s HeartLink is behind-the-scenes and can be summarized as keeping things running. I support our organization in functional areas such as HR, IT and facility management … Continued

Thank You for Your Support!

Hari from India shares his story about how his battle against heart disease has changed his life   On Friday evening, October 26th, 650 supporters stood with us to champion the cause of children who need medical care to survive and thrive. We were inspired by the generosity of those who chose to support our … Continued

Get to Know Andreas Tsakistos, Country Director

Andreas: Working at Children’s HeartLink affords me the privilege and opportunity to work in a rewarding and challenging field    Andreas and his family on vacation   What does a typical day at work look like?  My days are spent staying in contact with our partners, emailing/WeChatting with hospital partners in China, Brazil and Malaysia; … Continued

Children’s HeartLink Vice President Discusses Congenital Heart Disease and Advocacy in The BMJ Blog

Our Vice President of Global Strategy and Advocacy Bistra Zheleva shares her observations about global health discussions during the UN General Assembly in September in the blog of The BMJ (formerly the  British Medical Journal), one of the world’s oldest medical journals. Children’s HeartLink President Jackie Boucher and Bistra Zheleva participated in the UN General Assembly meetings to … Continued

Updates on Our Work: Improving Patient Care in Partner Hospitals

Nurses enrolled in the first postgraduate training program at Hospital da Criança e Maternidade, Brazil   Your support made this summer and fall productive for our programs staff and medical volunteers. Here are a few highlights about our work to improve care for children with heart disease: Pediatric cardiac care nurses at our Center of Excellence … Continued