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How the World Health Assembly Affects the Lives of Children with Heart Disease  

In this blog post, our Vice President of Global Strategy and Advocacy Bistra Zheleva shares her impressions about the 72nd World Health Assembly. This is a decision-making forum through which the World Health Organization is governed by its 194 member states. Its resolutions influence health care across the world, including care for children with heart … Continued

Ten Years in Brazil Yields Complex Surgeries + Huge Decrease in Infection

Dr. Ulisses Croti and his team at Hospital da Criança e Maternidade, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil   The partnership between Children’s HeartLink and Hospital da Criança e Maternidade in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil, is now embarking on its tenth year, and the hospital is poised to become a Children’s HeartLink Center … Continued

The Mary McMahon Busch Nurse Training Fund: First-Year Impact

Nurses from Hospital da Criança e Maternidade in Brazil and their mentors from Mayo Clinic   One hundred and twenty-two nurses from India, Brazil and Malaysia received additional training last year, funded in part by gifts to the Mary McMahon Busch Nurse Training Fund. This fund was created at Children’s HeartLink last spring with gifts … Continued

ConocoPhillips China Supports Two Partner Hospitals

Published in May 2019 The cardiac team of our newest partner Qingdao Women and Children’s Hospital (China) and their mentors from Alder Hey Children’s Hospital (England)   ConocoPhillips China renewed its funding for our partnerships with two hospitals in China. The subsidiary of the world’s largest independent E&P (exploration and production) company has been supporting our … Continued

How Medical Volunteer Patsy Stinchfield Cultivates Culture of Safety

Patsy Stinchfield receives a plaque from Dr. Ulisses Croti in honor of our 10-year partnership. Also in the photo: Andreas Tsakistos, Children’s HeartLink country director. June, 2018   Surgeons, cardiologists, respiratory therapists, intensivists, anesthesiologists, scrub and ICU nurses – this is a long list, yet not a comprehensive list of specialists who are on our … Continued

New Guide Helps Clinicians with Fetal Heart Evaluation

We are proud that our work with the government of Kerala, the southwestern state in India, led to the implementation of prenatal screening programs. This new guide was a collaborative effort involving Children’s HeartLink, the National Health Mission, and Children’s HeartLink Center of Excellence Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences. It’s designed to help clinicians improve … Continued

Tom Keller: Children’s HeartLink is Particularly Close to My Heart

Tom Keller (on the right) and board members in the 1970s   Throughout our 50-year history, Children’s HeartLink has had a number of dedicated friends who supported our work. Tom Keller, a retired attorney from Minneapolis, has been “one of the closest long-term friends the organization has had since its inception,” according to Children’s HeartLink … Continued

Get to Know Wade Jones, Director of Operations 

Wade: Growth is challenging. I enjoy that challenge and am excited to be a part of a mission to give more children access to heart care Wade with his family   What does a typical day at work look like?  I lead the finance, accounting, human resources, information technology and facility administration. As a support … Continued

Remembering Dr. Joe Kiser, Our Founder

Dr. Kiser with a young patient in the 1970s   Published on April 20, 2019 It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death of Children’s HeartLink’s founder Joseph Kiser, M.D. Dr. Kiser, 86, died at his home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with his wife Laura and his little dog … Continued

Fundraise for Children with Heart Disease 

Last year we served over 135,000 children with heart disease around the world, thanks to our supporters. With your help, we can reach even more children next year. It takes just minutes to start a fundraiser! You can raise money for your birthday, an athletic challenge/event, or for any reason or occasion that is important … Continued