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Children’s HeartLink Receives Governor’s International Trade Award

  Children’s HeartLink is one of five Minnesota organizations that received the 2018 Governor’s International Trade Award on Thursday, November 7. This award is given out each year to honor Minnesota companies that “have excelled in the international marketplace.” “These are the companies that are not just ones who created jobs, innovated, improved international trade, … Continued

Volunteer for 23 Years: Dr. Joe Dearani Receives Founders Award

    Dr. Joseph A. Dearani from Mayo Clinic received Children’s HeartLink’s Founders Award during our gala in Minneapolis on October 25, 2019. He has been a Children’s HeartLink medical volunteer for 23 of our 50 years. This annual award was established in honor of our founder Dr. Joe Kiser, to recognize individuals who demonstrate extraordinary … Continued

Welcome to Our Board of Directors, Betsy Moran

  We’re happy to welcome Elizabeth (Betsy) Moran to our board of directors. “We’re thankful to Betsy for sharing her expertise in health law and health care leadership. Her breadth of knowledge will be especially appreciated as we grow our programs and expand our reach to help more children around the world,” says Children’s HeartLink President … Continued

2019 HeartLink Gala Live Auction Sneak Peek

  Here’s a sneak peek of the live auction packages for the 2019 HeartLink Gala Presented by UnitedHealthcare on Friday, October 25th at Hilton Minneapolis.  NEW YORK, NEW YORK FOR TWO Getaway to New York includes round-trip airfare; a four-day and three-night stay at a 4-star deluxe hotel; dinner at Robert De Niro’s 4-star Tribeca … Continued

2019 HeartLink Gala Silent Auction Sneak Peek

Here’s a sneak peek of the silent auction packages for the 2019 HeartLink Gala Presented by UnitedHealthcare on Friday, October 25th at Hilton Minneapolis. Make sure to sign up for mobile bidding when you check in! You can bid on these auction packages from 6:00 pm until the emcee closes the silent auction in the … Continued

New Partner Hospital in West Bengal is Our Sixth in India

Nurse training at Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah, India   In India, only one in ten children with congenital heart disease receives optimal care. The limited number of pediatric heart care programs and unequal geographic access to these services are among the reasons. To change that, we continue to train more medical professionals through new hospital … Continued

Children’s HeartLink Doubles the Number of Children Served in 5 Years

  This bright-eyed girl from India had lifesaving heart surgery last year. She now has her whole life ahead of her.   Thanks to our supporters, we served 171,580 children and trained 4,304 medical providers last fiscal year! Compared to the previous year, we served 25% more children and trained 125% more medical providers. The … Continued

Children’s HeartLink Offers a New Fellowship

    For a second year, we are offering the Children’s HeartLink Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiac Services for professionals from low- and middle-income countries. Three medical professionals will be selected for a two-year training program in three subspecialty tracks: pediatric cardiology, pediatric cardiac surgery and pediatric cardiac intensive care. This fellowship was created through Children’s … Continued

Get to Know Aleta Nimlos, Executive Assistant

Aleta: I’m grateful to have the chance to do the work that helps change the lives of children   What does a typical day at work look like? The “typical day” doesn’t really exist for me, given that my role requires me to pivot pretty frequently throughout any given day! I support Children’s HeartLink’s entire … Continued