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Training Our Global Partners During the Pandemic

Photo by Scott Streble   Children’s HeartLink stepped up remote engagement and training to ensure that our global partners get the support they need during this challenging time. They are determined to continue making progress and to improve the care they provide their young heart patients. Thanks to your support, in the last 6 months: … Continued

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Our Global Partners

We asked our global hospital partners about the effect of the pandemic on their work. Brazil and India are now among the COVID-19 epicenters, and hospitals there struggle with the challenges faced by many countries. Our partners in Malaysia and Vietnam resumed their pre-pandemic procedures after transmission of the virus slowed down. Hospitals in China … Continued

Mohamed’s Timely Heart Repair

Photos by Scott Streble   We met 2-year-old Mohamed in Coimbatore, India, 2 months after his heart surgery. He was on his way to becoming the active toddler he is today, busy playing and with a healthy appetite. His timely surgery helped him recover quickly and keep up with other children his age. Although Mohamed’s … Continued

Newborn Screening Recommendations for Heart Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Photo by Scott Streble   Published on June 18, 2020 Children’s HeartLink, together with our partners from the Newborn Foundation and the Government of the Indian state of Kerala, recently published recommendations for implementation of newborn screening for critical congenital heart disease in low- and middle-income countries. Critical congenital heart disease refers to serious and life-threatening … Continued

A Message from Children’s HeartLink

Dear Friend and Supporter, We are living in tumultuous times. With the global coronavirus pandemic and the changing economy, there is a great deal that is out of our control. The senseless killing of George Floyd in the streets of our hometown of Minneapolis has rightfully turned the attention of the world to the daily, … Continued