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Upashana Brings Daily Joy to Her Parents

Upashana with her parents. Photos by Scott Streble   When we visited Upashana and her family in a village near Coimbatore, India, she was 4 months old and recovering from the heart surgery she had 2 weeks earlier.  After Upashana’s birth, her parents brought her home without knowing she had a heart condition that would soon … Continued

Abbott Training Partnership Helps Improve Care in India

Photo by Scott Streble   Training in-country pediatric heart teams is at the heart of everything we do at Children’s HeartLink, and it’s how we help the most children the fastest. In India, only 1 in 4 children who needs heart surgery receives optimal care, and there is a great need for more trained heart … Continued

A Long-Distance Friendship Inspires a Lifetime of Support

For many years, Caroline Jackson has donated to Children’s HeartLink once or twice a year, joining a community of individuals who support our mission. She was introduced to Children’s HeartLink through her friend Peggy Johnson. Caroline began supporting our organization because she was so inspired by Peggy’s commitment to the children we help. Caroline’s commitment … Continued

Welcome to Marc Vaillancourt, our new Vice President of Development

“I’m a connector with a passion for building community and bringing people together to serve the greater good,” says Marc Vaillancourt, our new Vice President of Development. “I’m thrilled to join such a wonderful, mission-driven organization and look forward to working with our amazing donors to help save children’s lives in underserved parts of the … Continued

Boston Scientific Matches Gifts to Little Hearts, Big Change Campaign

To raise awareness and support the plight of children born with heart disease, Children’s HeartLink is launching its Little Hearts, Big Change campaign in conjunction with February Heart Health Month and Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (February 7-14). Boston Scientific is matching donations made to the campaign in February, up to $10,000 in total giving. … Continued

Welcome to Our Board, Tom Armitage and John Babitt

“We are thrilled to have Tom and John join our board,” says Jackie Boucher, president of Children’s HeartLink. “Both of them have knowledge, expertise and connections that will benefit our organization, and they will be wonderful champions for our mission and work.”                   Tom Armitage     … Continued

Interpreter Livia Cais Plays Central Role in our Training in Brazil

Professional and sought-after interpreter Livia Cais has been a volunteer interpreter for Children’s HeartLink in Brazil since 2008. She is equally at home interpreting in the operating room and ICU as for a crowd at a full stadium, for events as diverse as World Cup Soccer matches and large gatherings with motivational speakers. Her simultaneous … Continued

Janushika’s First-of-its-Kind Surgery in India

Janushika with her parents   During the COVID-19 pandemic and a full lockdown in India in April, a baby girl named Janushika was born and underwent a rare and challenging open heart surgery. At the time of surgery, she was just 8 days old and weighed only 2.2 kilograms (4.8 pounds). She had to be … Continued

Going Home after Surgery: A Photo Essay

The day a family finally brings their child home from the hospital is life-changing. After a stressful journey, the entire family feels a barrage of emotions: relief, excitement, joy and happiness. These photos by Scott Streble were taken before the pandemic, during team training at our partner hospital in Coimbatore, India (G. Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial [GKNM] Hospital). Since … Continued