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Making a meaningful impact

Thanks to advancements in care, more children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are surviving into adulthood. Today, there is nearly 12 million people living with CHD worldwide.

Even more encouraging, while the number of people living with CHD has increased by 18.7% since 1990, deaths attributed to CHD have decreased by 34.5% during the same period.


Numbers we’re watching: Key impacts in 2023  

We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished in 2023. Thanks to support from medical volunteers to generous donations, we’ve been able to recognize major milestones.  

View Our Latest Annual Report


By the numbers


children with congenital heart disease served


hours of donated time by medical volunteers


local clinicians trained


Children’s HeartLink Centers of Excellence

IQIC for CHD: Benchmarking data to improve care  

The International Quality Improvement Collaborative for Congenital Heart Disease (IQIC) was launched in 2008 by Boston Children’s Hospital and several nongovernmental organizations, including Children’s HeartLink. The sole purpose: to provide benchmarking data for congenital heart surgery in the developing world, to guide quality improvement efforts and reduce mortality.   

All Children’s HeartLink partner hospitals are expected to participate in this collaborative. Why? 

Because the organizations that do participate see a significant decrease in morbidity and mortality rates. 

Learn More About IQIC  

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